Boom of children at home from school due to the circulation of various forms of flu. A mix of flu and Covid that has put health facilities in difficulty in many regions.
The flu arrived earlier than in previous years, catching many families unprepared and creating serious problems especially for the little ones. A flu, in fact, slightly more aggressive than in previous years, with particularly intense symptoms, such as high fever, bronchiolitis, dry cough, even violent, which particularly affect children aged between 0 and 4 years. And if in other regions, such as Lombardy for example, the Emergency Departments register very high numbers of accesses and are not always able to respond to the numerous requests from worried parents, at least for the moment, the province of Rovigo does not report any particular critical issues, even if the numbers, confirmed by pediatricians, are increasing day by day.
“Indeed, many reports of children currently at home due to flu or flu-like symptoms come from the local school context – explains Francesco Noce, president of the local medical association – but at the moment we have not yet had any news of any critical issues, not even hospital level”.
Despite the shortage of these medical figures, a total of 20 professionals distributed throughout the Rovigo province, the doctors were able to respond effectively to the increased needs of Rovigo families. “Even our province, as happens in the national framework, however, confirms a shortage of these figures – continues Noce – but fortunately the assistance to children does not report particular problems, thanks above all to a good organization by the doctors themselves. However, it should be remembered that, in the absence of a pediatrician, parents can also choose to have their child treated by their family doctor, if the child is aged 6 or over. ”.

The flu is halving entire classes, with even heavy symptoms. “There is actually an increase in cases of flu among children, with classes in many schools now halved in attendance – confirms Brigida Bolzonella, a freelance pediatrician – Compared to the previous year, cases of flu among the most small ones have increased, in the same period of 2021 they were a lower number, this is because there was an advance of this flu, and with symptoms that were also quite important. In comparison, however, there are much fewer Covid cases, and the hope is that this means that the virus is finally slowly disappearing “.
