“Vaccination makes sure that we have enough antibodies to fight the virus. Fever occurs when the antibodies proliferate to fight the virus.” said Bhowmick.

Kolkata: The current Covid spurt has just one prominent symptom so far – high fever – say doctors at Kolkata’s private hospitals that have seen a rise in the number of admissions last week. None of the severe signs that characterized the viral attack during earlier waves, especially breathing distress, severe cough and cold and loss of sense of smell and taste, have plagued patients this time, they say.

A sudden bout of high fever, instead, has been common among those who tested positive. “Patients have suddenly got a very high temperature on the second day, after a day of mild fever and it has been receding by the fourth or fifth day. None has been had severe breathing distress, pneumonia or loss of taste and smell. Barring, of course, those with an existing breathing ailment,” said CMRI Hospital pulmonology director Raja Dhar.

He added that a majority of Covid patients in Mumbai and Delhi, too, have had a similar symptom this time. Symptoms will lessen and lose intensity as the virus loses its sting with each wave or spurt, said RN Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences (RTIICS) intensivist Sauren Panja. “Symptoms were milder in third wave than the second. Now, it will be even milder, often unnoticeable. So far, a mild to moderate fever has been the sole symptom of Covid positives. But those not completely vaccinated are at risk, especially if they have comorbidities,” said Panja.

The reason behind fever being the most prominent symptom this time is the fact that most are vaccinated, according to Peerless Hospital clinical research director Subhrojyoti Bhowmick. “Vaccination makes sure that we have enough antibodies to fight the virus. Fever occurs when the antibodies proliferate to fight the virus. It indicates that the immune system is at work and the vaccine has indeed played a major role in preventing the severity of Covid since the third wave. It has ensured that the virus didn’t enter the lungs and restricted the number of serious cases,” said Bhowmick.

He added that there was no reason to let down guard yet. “Covid protocol should be maintained till the current surge lasts. Everyone needs the third vaccine since the number may continue to spiral through July,” Bhowmick said.

Covid symptoms have changed significantly since the first wave. The symptoms got far more severe during the second wave which saw a sharp rise in the number of casualties. The third wave saw symptoms largely restricted to an upper respiratory tract infection.
