Summertime infections are more common than you might think and there are many infections that are common in the late spring and summer. This is surprising to most parents who expect infections, such as the cold and flu, to occur in the winter.

Mosquito-Borne and Tick-Borne Illnesses 
Mosquito-borne infections are commonly caused by the arboviruses and can lead to West Nile encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and dengue fever. They are more common in the summer, specifically late summer and early autumn. Some newer arboviruses that have hit the news the past few years are Eastern equine encephalitis and especially Zika. (1)

Tick-borne illnesses include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and ehrlichiosis. These are also more common during the summer months. (2)

Mosquito and tick-borne infections can be avoided by preventing your child from getting bitten by ticks or mosquitoes. In high-risk areas for Lyme disease, you should have your child wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants with high socks and boots. You can also tuck your child’s pant legs into his socks and use a tick repellent. Also, check your child’s body for ticks at least once or twice a day, especially if you have been camping or playing in tick-infested areas (grassy, brushy, or wooded areas).

Be sure to tell your pediatrician if your child has experienced a tick bite.

An insect repellent with DEET, citronella, or soybean oil can help to prevent mosquito bites. Wear light-colored clothing and avoid using any scented soaps or other products since the fragrances can attract insects. Avoid areas with insect nests. Citronella and soybean oil can help to prevent mosquito bites.
