“One thing that always annoyed me in working in bedside care was attempting to get the temperature of a patient. An oral thermometer just seemed to take forever and was just incredibly annoying to a patient at that 4 am check. Recently, many facilities have begun to invest in Temporal Artery Scanning technology to improve the patient experience. Thank goodness it also improves nursing care experience, in my opinion.

Recently I received an Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer to review and was pleasantly surprised with just how simple and efficient it is. It’s so easy to use that even my toddler had it mastered in a matter of seconds and was going around the house attempting to get the temperature of everyone in sight.

In my opinion temporal artery scanning is the most efficient and therefore the best way to take the temperature of your child. In my experiences both as a nurse and a patient, temporal artery scanning caused the least discomfort and inconvenience for both the healthcare provider and the patient as well as providing an accurate temperature”.
