The Temporal Artery Thermometer is a contact thermometer that measures the temperature of blood flowing through the temporal artery in its subcutaneous trajectory on the forehead. The process of capturing these temperature readings is very simple. However, there are always ways to optimize the use of a Temporal Artery Thermometer.

A series of video tutorials explaining how to use the Temporal Artery Thermometer are available on the Exergen website ( To take a temperature, the procedure is simple: sweeping the thermometer gently across the forehead from the midpoint to either side until the temple. The videos in this tutorial explain in great detail how to measure the temperature accurately.

Exergen’s extensive user research among doctors and nurses has led to a few recommendations that will help hospitals to make the most of our Temporal Artery Thermometer. Here is a quick overview:

Low and/or inconsistent readingsLack of contactEnsure sufficient contact with skin
Low and/or inconsistent readingsIncomplete contactEnsure full circumferential  contact of the thermometer head with the skin
Low and/or inconsistent readingsIncomplete or inadequate sweep motionEnsure a complete and non-excessive coverage of the recommended anatomical area
(Unexpected) low readingProfuse diaphoresisConsider additional/alternative anatomic readings (mastoid apophysis)
(Unexpected) low readingDust or biological matter accumulated on the lensClean the sense with an approved alcoholic solution and a cotton swab batom or cotton cloth

Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer is easy to use, and it is also able to provide a perfect reading in a very short time. A typical measurement takes just 1-2 seconds. Our recommendations help a doctor or nurse to even further improve the quality and speed of individual temperature readings. 
