The monsoon season always brings mixed emotions. It is wonderful to feel the refreshing rain on one hand. On the other hand, we all know that rains are also accompanied by diseases. Malaria, dengue, and chikungunya can have severe consequences if not diagnosed at the earliest opportunity.
Malaria, dengue, and chikununya are diseases that are spread by mosquitoes. What can we do to avoid getting infected? How can we tell if we are indeed infected?
The monsoon season is the breeding season for mosquitoes and because of that mosquito-borne diseases. Why? Because mosquitoes breed in stagnant water like buckets, tree holes, drums, flowerpots, etc. We cannot fully protect ourselves and our families from mosquitoes, but there are some measures we can take to minimize the chances of getting bitten.
To keep mosquitoes out of your house, install mosquito nets. A simple and quite effective measure. Next, do not allow water to stagnate around your house. Make sure that drums are closed and there is no water in buckets or pots. Bathroom hygiene is also very important. Regularly and thoroughly clean bathrooms. Using mosquito repellants or creams when you leave your house is also quite effective.
These measures will reduce the chances that you’ll get bitten by mosquitoes. Nevertheless, mosquitoes cannot be completely avoided. Thus, it is very important to know how to detect any infection, for example, malaria or dengue. Fever is the common sign of all mosquito-borne diseases. While the list of symptoms for these diseases is often much longer, fever is always a very clear sign. Consult a doctor right away if you or a member of your family is experiencing fever. Despite not all of these diseases being fatal, they often come with serious health consequences, like joint pain, fatigue, and other consequences.
What is the best way to detect any fevers? You need an accurate and easy-to-use thermometer for this. Often, people use in-ear thermometers or cheap infrared thermometers (IR guns) made in China. These products are not really useful. Why? As an example, consider an in-ear thermometer. An ear thermometer is often difficult to position correctly since the anatomy of the ear canal varies from person to person. Either you push the tip of the thermometer in too deep which can hurt or even damage the ear drum, or you do not push the thermometer in deep enough, so you are mainly measuring the temperature of the outside air instead of the body’s temperature. IR guns miss most fevers, according to scientific research. An IR gun is used to target the artery on the forehead. This is very difficult because you have to do it from a distance. In cases where the person you are measuring is not sitting still or your handshakes a bit, you will not be able to measure their body temperature but simply the temperature of their skin, which is medically speaking a meaningless number.
Probably the best way to correctly measure the body temperature is the use of a Temporal Artery Thermometer. Within a few seconds, you can have an accurate reading of the body temperature by gently swiping the sensor head of the thermometer across the forehead. You can even measure your child’s temperature while they are asleep using this easy to perform procedure.

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