Mahi is 8 months old. Due to being born premature, his immunity is slightly less. Today, the way Covid-19 is causing havoc in our country, Mahi’s mother is very much worried about her baby, so she keeps checking Mahi’s temperature several times a day. Mahi’s parents were taking full care not to knock the virus in their home in any way.
When his father would come home from office, first go to the bathroom and take his bath and change clothes, only then he would come to Mahi’s room. Mahi also has an elder sister who is 5-year-old. Mahi’s mother and sister have been living in the house for several months. Mahi’s mother once told to her aunt that the way she checks the temperature of Mahi, she has problems. She was using a digital thermometer, by which the temperature is taken by placing it on the underarm of the child. His aunt is from the medical industry. He gifted her a good thermometer, and suggested that the temperature be checked every 20 minutes. Whenever the temperature rises, contact the doctor immediately. Because fever is only an early sign of illness, if the fever is detected at the right time and you contact the doctor immediately, the child does not have to face much problems due to treatment at the right time. Mahi’s mother was happy with the thermometer because it very easily checked Mahi’s temperature. This thermometer is very easy to use. Its probe has to swipe lightly on the temporal artery on the forehead and within 3 seconds the accurate temperature is on the screen.
Everything was going fine till 2 days ago; temperature was checked 2 and she was fine. Was sleeping comfortably. Suddenly she woke up crying in the middle of the night, as her mother picked her up on her lap, Mahi’s body felt warm to her, she immediately noticed the temperature, the temperature was high, Mahi’s mother was afraid, immediately called the doctor and shared the situation.The doctor asked her to give a medicine immediately, and if the temperature did not come down in an hour, she needs to come to the hospital immediately. Like I said earlier, she was born premature (28 weeks). This is why immunity is weak. Well, treatment started as soon as they went to the hospital.
To know about Mahi’s health, the aunt called her mother and the mother said that she is recovering now. And thanking her for that new thermometer, she said that it is so easy, and it shows temperature so quickly that I am very happy. Due to this thermometer, we found the exact temperature at the right time and that is why we were able to take Mahi to the hospital at the right time.
His aunt said, “Many people rate Covid-19 very low, they are not aware that fever is an early warning, body temperature starts to rise as soon as a human is infected. Fever can be detected at the right time only if you keep checking your body temperature again and again. And for this, Exergen’s Temporal Artery Thermometer is the best choice. “
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